Project Description

Length: 98mins

Director: 沈星浩

Cast: 伊力哈木·M、秦怡、佟瑞欣、毛阿敏

Film to build great project of Qinghai Tibet Railway as the background of the times and sang the praises of a large number of Chinese and foreign scientists for career, ideal take the bull by the horns, not afraid of sacrifice, solidarity and selfless dedication of deeds .Through the heroine’s memories, launched a period of 30 years ago and the hero’s pure love story. Of the Cultural Revolution began to make the foreign couple Tiangeyifang, from audio broken and she threw himself into research work. The actress in the retirement for construction of Qinghai Tibet railway to the Qinghai Plateau of meteorological expedition, and workaholic like scientists Jinhao node under the profound friendship work.